Monday, May 4, 2015

ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter store, ASUS 19.5V 150W adapters for canada

ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter store, ASUS 19.5V 150W adapters for canada

High quality ASUS ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapters

  • Input Voltage: 120V-240V 50/60hz
  • Output Voltage: 19.5V
  • Output Current: 7.7A (150W)
  • Connector: 5.5mm*2.5mm
  • Color: black
  • Property: new original adapters
  • Warranty: 12 months
      ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter
  • Specials:$69.48 CAD   $49.63CAD   Save:23% off(including taxes)   ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter

This adapters compatible the following part number:

 ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter , 90-XB06N0PW00040Y , 04G266009903 laptop ac adapter , 90-XB06N0PW00030Y laptop ac adapter

This adapters compatible the following models: 
ASUS G71 Series laptop ac adapter , G71 laptop ac adapter , G72 Series , G71G laptop ac adapter , G71G , G71V laptop ac adapter , ASUS G71V laptop ac adapter , ASUS G72 , G71Gx laptop ac adapter , G71Gx laptop ac adapter , G73JH laptop ac adapter , G72GX , G72Gx laptop ac adapter , G71Gx-Rx05 laptop ac adapter , G72G laptop ac adapter , G73 Series laptop ac adapter , G73JH Series laptop ac adapter , G71G-Q2 laptop ac adapter , G71G-Q1 laptop ac adapter , G71G-A1 laptop ac adapter , G71V G71G-A1 laptop ac adapter , G71G-A2 laptop ac adapter , G71Gx-A1 laptop ac adapter , G72Gx-A1 , G72Gx-A1 laptop ac adapter , G73JW laptop ac adapter , G73JH-X1 laptop ac adapter , G73Jh-X1 laptop ac adapter , G73G laptop ac adapter , G73Jh-A2 , G73JH-A2 laptop ac adapter , ASUS G71G-X1 laptop ac adapter , G53JW laptop ac adapter , G71G-X1 laptop ac adapter , ASUS G71Gx-A2 laptop ac adapter , G71Gx-A2 laptop ac adapter , ASUS G71Gx-X2 , ASUS G74SX laptop ac adapter , VX5 laptop ac adapter , G73SW laptop ac adapter , G73G Series , VX5-A2B , ASUS VX5-A2W laptop ac adapter , ASUS G53 Series laptop ac adapter , G73JH-B1 laptop ac adapter , G53SW laptop ac adapter , G53SX laptop ac adapter , G73J laptop ac adapter , G73JW Series , G53J laptop ac adapter , G53JW Series , ASUS G53SW Series laptop ac adapter , G73SW Series laptop ac adapter , G73SW-A1 laptop ac adapter , G73JH-RBBX05 laptop ac adapter , G73Jh-Rbbx05 , G53JW-A1 , G74 Series laptop ac adapter , G72Gx-Rbbx05 , G73S laptop ac adapter , G73JW-XN1 , G73J Series laptop ac adapter , ASUS G73JW-XR1 laptop ac adapter , G73JW-A1 , G53JW-3DE laptop ac adapter , G53SX 3D laptop ac adapter , G73S Series laptop ac adapter , Lamborghini VX7 laptop ac adapter , G53S laptop ac adapter , G53SX-NH71 laptop ac adapter , G53SW-A1 , G53SX-A1 , G73SW-BST6 laptop ac adapter , G53JW-XA1 laptop ac adapter , G53SW-XN1 laptop ac adapter , G53SX-DH71 laptop ac adapter , G53J Series , ASUS G73JH-X5 laptop ac adapter , G53SX-XA , ASUS G71V-X2 laptop ac adapter , G53SX-XA1 laptop ac adapter , G53SW-XR1 laptop ac adapter , G53SX-XR1 , G73JW-XA1 laptop ac adapter , G73SW-XT1 , G73JW-XT1 laptop ac adapter , G53JW-XN1 , ASUS G73JW-91121V , G73Jh-X3 , ASUS G73JH-X3 , ASUS G73JH-BST7 , G73JH-ROG laptop ac adapter , G53SX-RH71 , Lamborghini VX7SX , G53S Series laptop ac adapter , G53SX-XN1 laptop ac adapter , G73JH-A1 laptop ac adapter , G73Jh-A1 , G53JW-XT1 laptop ac adapter , G73JW-XB1 laptop ac adapter , G53SX-TH71 , G53JW-IX159V laptop ac adapter , G73JH-TZ014V laptop ac adapter , G73JW-WS1B laptop ac adapter , ASUS G73SW-TZ054V , G73SW-XA1 laptop ac adapter , G73JW-3DE , Lamborghini VX7SX-DH71 laptop ac adapter , Lamborghini VX7-A1 laptop ac adapter , G73JH-TY098V laptop ac adapter , ASUS G73JW-TY098V laptop ac adapter , G73SW-91024V laptop ac adapter , ASUS G71GX-7S022K laptop ac adapter , G73JH-TX008V laptop ac adapter , G72Gx-X1 laptop ac adapter , G73Jh-Rbbx09 laptop ac adapter , ASUS G73JW-TZ105V , G71V-7S036C laptop ac adapter , 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Why select us?
1. Test each battery before shipment in order to ensure each piece of battery is OK

ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter
2. Restock every day in order to ensure adequate inventory
ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter

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ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter
4. Over 6 years experience sale online, 60 days money back
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ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter
ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter
ADP-150NB D laptop ac adapter
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